• Product type: Manual adjusters

In special machine specializations are required to a great extent.

Highly flexible components allow the greatest possible freedom in the construction of the machine.

IEF-Werner’s flexible shafts can be used to make all domiLINE series manual stages stand out. They transmit all movements of the hand adjuster safely and precisely even on tortuous paths. Thus, manual adjusters can be used in positions that could not be reached by the operator without the use of flexible shafts. Solutions with flexible shafts are therefore often the simpler and cheaper alternative to complicated, high-maintenance and stranded constructions of rigid shafts and gearboxes. Our flexible shafts are maintenance-free, durable and insensitive to vibration, dirt and environmental impact.

Flexible shafts can be delivered with a length of up to 1.5 m, depending on the diameter. The IEF Werner team will assist you in finding and designing the optimal wave souls.

Adjusters & Guide Rails